Je zoekt naar goede spellen van professor puzzle.
Er zijn 63 leuke spelletjes gevonden.
Escape From The Starline Express
PROFESSOR Puzzle Escape from the starline express
In dit spannende puzzelspel spring jij in de schoenen van detective Betty Wilson en los je het mysterie achter de gestolen Zwarte Weduwe-diamant op.
Kleur: bruin
Geslacht: unisex
Materiaal: karton
Aantal spelers: 2 of meer
Spelduur: circa 90 min.
Denkspel The Case Of The Code Breaker Hout
PROFESSOR Sherlock Holmes The Case of the Code Breaker denkspel
Een Sherlock Holmes spel in het hout voor twee spelers die moeten proberen om elkaars kleurcode te ontcijferen. Let wel op want je hebt maar een beperkt aantal pogingen om de echte code te kraken.
Het klassieke spel Domino Leuk voor alle leeftijden Deze set bevat 28 dominostenen en spelregels.
Prachtige houten versie van het tijdloze spel Solitaire. Het doel is om met het stuk over de andere stukken heen te springen om ze allemaal te verwijderen, met slechts één in het midden. Pas op: zeer verslavend Deze set bevat 1 spelbord, 33 houten ballen en instructies.
Pecking Order - Board Game
The game of rapid reactions and colour confusion In this fun, fast-paced game, players play cards simultaneously and then race to grab the totem pole with the highest scoring colour combination before anyone else can get to it Its everyone for themselves
Brain Paint - Kaartspel
Brighten up your day with this colourful collection of fun and games Each can contains three different fast and lively game options, ensuring these technicolour tests of mental agility are guaranteed fun for the whole family.
Moral Conflict - Party Game
The game of shame thatll have the whole family in hysterics Find out whos the goody-two-shoes and whose antics are deserving of a time out in this hilarious game of most likely to Each card lists a different scenario, anything from whos most likely to accidentally drop something in the toilet? to whos most likely to claim to have been abducted by aliens?.
Social Bingo - Board Game
Are you a slave to your phone screen? Then grab your friends for a hilarious game of #SOCIALBINGO. Players take turns reading aloud cards with different statements on them anything from Your last text contained an emoji to You have over fifty matches on a dating app.
Stuff That! - Kaartspel
A hilarious party game of creative thinking and outrageous explanations. Play as many cards as you think you can link to a category but watch out bid the highest and youll have to show everyone and convince them youre right Easy to learn and utterly addictive
Truffle Shuffle - Dobbelspel
Who will be crowned the Ultimate Sweet Tooth in this fast-thinking, fast-moving chocolate challenge? Roll all three dice and race to be the player to spot the sugary treat that matches the combination of colours, and then grab it first Therell only ever be one exact match, so youll have to be super speedy to snatch up that sweet and claim victory
Tyle - Denkspel
Neem het tegen elkaar op in het kleurrijke denkspel Tyle Spelers beginnen allemaal in een andere hoek van het raster. Vervolgens strijden ze om als eerste de hele weg naar de andere hoek af te leggen door te draaien, te kantelen en te schuiven om een pad naar de overwinning te creëren.
Rainbow Go! - Board Game
One right answer, a whole spectrum of clues Compete over 10 rounds to claim victory in this fast-paced trivia game Each question has seven clues but only one right answer. The clues get easier, but the less you use, the more points you win Any player can answer every question, so its a race to react and slap the Go card first.
Escape from the Grand Hotel
Escape from the Grand Hotel is een spannend escape room spel. Nodig gasten uit bij je hotel en bereid je voor op een avond vol plezier en intriges. Tijdens de avond reizen de gasten door het hotel om de reeks mysterieuze puzzels op te lossen in elke kamer. De ultieme zoektocht? Om het donkere, verborgen geheim van The Grand Hotel te ontdekken.
Hard as Nails - The S Nail
Deze puzzels lijken eenvoudig op te lossen vanwege het simpele design, maar schijn bedriegt De Hard as Nails serie biedt verschillende uitdagingen met ijzeren spijkers. Deze S-Nail puzzel is een ongelofelijk lastige puzzel...geduld vereist Deze puzzel heeft moeilijkheidsgraad: 3
Great Minds - Set of 3 (Halley, Galileo en Kepler)
This set of Great Minds brain teaser features 3 challenges from Professor Puzzle: Halley's Comet Puzzle: The Comet Puzzle is a fantastic brainteaser in which the puzzler must separate the pieces and then attempt to rebuild the wooden comet.
Music Trivia
From Adele to ZZ Top, and everyone in between, this music trivia set contains 300 questions about timeless tunes, music legends, and chart-toppers from the past to the present day. Dont be a one-hit-wonder hit the high notes of success instead with this ultimate music battle
Puzzle a Day (365 puzzels)
Daily challenge cards filled with brainteasers, puzzles and riddles guaranteed to get your brain in gear quicker than your morning cup of coffee
The Big Movie Quiz
Het is tijd om je kennis van het grote scherm op de proef te stellen met het ultieme film trivia spel The Big Movie Quiz
Detective Toolkit
Given to you by Sherlock Holmes, this kit has everything you need to crack cases, solve mysteries, and become a great detective like him Including everything from Holmes trusty magnifying glass to his mysterious cipher wheel, its time to think like a detective as you try to solve the ten different case files.
May Contain Butts
Race to react when you spot a front and butt match May Contain Butts will keep you on the edge of your seat and have you barking like a dog as you look out for matches of goats, sloths, parrots and more Grab the most cards to claim victory in this butt-tastic card-matching game.
Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Smoking Pipe
Use your powers of deduction and reasoning with this compendium of three different mystery games. Featuring over 150 riddles, puzzles, and enigmas, this collection of games and quizzes will put your brain under closer scrutiny than a magnifying glass
Burger Balance
Can you keep a steady hand in this mouth-watering game of balance? Players take turns to roll the dice and see what burger ingredients they can balance on top of the ketchup bottle. Beware though, as the pile gets bigger and bigger and bigger, one wrong move can turn your bacon double cheeseburger with extra pickles into a plain old burger bun
Einstein Atom Puzzel
Einstein Atom puzzle Just one piece from the Einstein puzzle range. How will you fare against this brainteaser? For centuries, scientists and philosophers understood what atoms were and how they worked by no one could prove their existence. Einstein was the first to provide the convincing evidence they needed.