Notes from the Universe on Abundance

Afbeelding van het spel Notes from the Universe on Abundance
Thumbnail van een extra afbeelding van het spel Notes from the Universe on Abundance

Informatie over Notes from the Universe on Abundance

Afmetingen & Maten

Afmetingen product
21 x 15 x 2,2 cm
Afmetingen verpakking
13,8 x 10,3 x 3,5 cm (lxbxh)
0,305 kg


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Hoe werkt Notes from the Universe on Abundance?

Do you know what's a million times better than getting to the top of the mountain? Getting there after having been lost. Ohhh yeah, The Universe The 60 cards in this beautifully illustrated deck give Mike Dooley's fans a new way to experience his signature Notes from the Universe: quirky, funny messages that remind readers to love their lives and trust their dreams. Based on Mike's essential credo that 'thoughts become things' and we can choose the thoughts we want to realize, these cards are loving reminders that we're responsible for our own happiness - and that it's already within reach.
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